Explore Your Student Visa Options

Overview of Australian Student Visa

A Pathway to Move to Australia

Australian Student Visa 500 allows you to undertake a qualifying course in Australia for up to five years, depending on the duration of your enrolment. The type of course you choose determines your permitted stay in Australia. Here's a simplified guide:

Update on Student Visa (Subclass 500) Work Hours

Starting July 1, 2023, if you're on a Student Visa (Subclass 500) in Australia, you can work up to 48 hours every two weeks while studying. There are no work restrictions during breaks. The flexibility during the pandemic, allowing more than 40 hours, ended on June 30, 2023.

If you were already working in aged care on May 9, 2023, you can keep working without limits in that sector until December 31, 2023. But for other jobs during the study term, the limit is 48 hours every two weeks. Make sure to follow the rules for aged care jobs. Keep an eye on government updates for any changes.

Eligibility Criteria for Student Visa 500

Ensure you meet the following requirements for a smooth application process:

  • Be at least 6 years old or older if not participating in a high school student exchange program.
  • Provide proof of enrolment in a full-time Australian course registered on CRICOS.
  • Have adequate welfare arrangements if you're under 18 when arriving in Australia.
  • Demonstrate English proficiency through approved tests or exemptions.
  • Possess health insurance unless exempted, such as Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).
  • Hold a qualifying visa and meet character, health, and financial requirements.
  • Sign a statement confirming adherence to Australian laws and lifestyle.

Student Visa Processing Time

Processing time varies, taking days to a year, depending on factors like the chosen course and application accuracy. Timely payment of charges is crucial to avoid delays.

Cost of Student Visa 500

The visa fee is $630 for the primary applicant, with additional fees for family members applying with you. Use the Visa Pricing Estimator on the Department of Home Affairs' website to calculate other costs like biometrics, health checks, and police certificates.

Subsequent Entrant Visa 500

Family members can apply for a subsequent entrant visa through ImmiAccount, meeting character and health requirements.

How Australian Student Visa Works

This visa allows eligible foreign nationals to enter Australia for study purposes, valid for up to five years. It enables participation in a course, family sponsorship, travel in and out of the country, and limited paid work during studies.

Declaration of Family Members

Declare all family members in your application, even if they don't plan to travel to Australia with you.

Including Family Members in Visa Application

You can include your spouse or dependent child (unmarried, under 18) in your visa application. If your relative is 18 or older, they need to apply for a separate visa.

Stay informed about any updates or changes by checking official government announcements and the Department of Home Affairs' website.