Privacy Policy

Welcome to MyVysa Education and Migration Services, we take your privacy seriously and are committed to following the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles when dealing with your Personal and Sensitive Information.

This policy explains how we handle privacy and information. In this Privacy Policy: MyVysa Education and Migration Services (ABN: 60 188 299 455) refers to our company and any related entities.

This document covers:

  1. What Personal Information we gather and keep.
  2. How we collect Personal Information.
  3. Why we collect this information.
  4. How we use and share Personal Information.
  5. How we protect your Personal Information.
  6. How you can access and correct your information with us.

What Personal Information we collect and keep During our business, we collect information from you, which may include sensitive details.

We may collect and keep personal information which can include but not limited to name, address, email, birth date, contact details, residency status, education qualification, work history, tax file numbers, passport information, and information needed for visa applications, such as financial and health information. This includes:

  • who ask about study options or who are applying to start a course at an educational institution, either locally or abroad.
  • who use our visa application services to apply for different types of visas (such as student visas, post-study work visas, and skilled migration visas).
  • who let us know they want to work as consultants, or people who are working or have worked as consultants for projects or programs run by MyVysa Education and Migration Services.
  • who sign up to join an event that is organized, run, or presented by MyVysa Education and Migration Services, either on its own or for another organization.

This might include copies of identity documents like passport or photos.

It might also involve sensitive details about individuals under the following conditions:

  • When you sign up on any of our platforms or express your interest to a MyVysa Education and Migration Services counselor, we collect personal details like your name, postal and email address, birth date, contact information, where you live, where you want to study, your job, and sensitive details like your professional group memberships.
  • When you buy something from our websites or platforms, we collect your payment information.
  • When you sign up for an event or conference, like an Expo, you might give us personal or sensitive details. We use this information for the event and might also tell you about our other services.
How we collect personal information:

We can get personal information straight from you or someone you've allowed to act for you, or from another organization allowed to work with us. You might give us your details when you talk to us on social networks or other online places, like through your Facebook account, or you might upload details to our platforms or give them directly to our education counselors. We only gather personal and sensitive details when they're really needed for what our business does. We'll get your OK before we collect any sensitive details. To get our services, you need to tell us who you are, so we don't use fake names.

Why we collect information:

We gather, keep, and use your personal details so we can give you our services.

For student placement:

Our services include things like finding students places, giving advice, helping with visas, testing and teaching English, and organizing student events and seminars.

Student Services

These include a range of services like help with visas and migration, getting health insurance, finding a place to live, and English language tests.

By collecting your personal details, we can:

  • Help you explore and start your education at schools either withiin Australia or ourside Australia.
  • Support you in applying for a student visa in Australia, including speaking with the Department of Home Affairs and other organisation on your behalf about your application.
  • Aid in advancing your career after you finish your studies, whether it's in Australia or internationally.
  • Offer chances to get involved in projects or programs as a consultant.
  • Keep you, educational institutions, and other clients informed about what's new with our services, including events and project opportunities.
  • Do research that helps us analyze, learn, and train better.
  • Look after our day-to-day business and events.
  • Answer any questions you might have.

Our visa services guide you through applying for a visa, including preparing the needed documents, not just for studying but also for working after studies and for skilled migration.

Collecting both your personal and sensitive details lets us:

  • Give all the needed information to the Department of Home Affairs for your visa application.
  • Talk to them or other groups for you about your application.
  • Update you on how your visa application is going and the final decision.
How we use and share personal information:

We only use or share your personal information for the reasons we collected it. We might use or share it for something else if you agree, if it seems like you'd expect us to, or if the law says we must. We might use your details to directly market to you, but you'll have the chance to say no to this in the future.

Sharing information outside Australia:
We might need to share your personal details with places like educational instituion outside Australia, visa agents, English test centers, professional groups, or business and regulatory bodies if you're looking to study abroad or for verification reasons. Where these places are depends on where you're applying to study or for what you need verification.

Steps we take to protect your personal information we hold

We implement several measures to safeguard your Personal Information from unauthorized access, loss, or misuse. These measures include:

  • Upkeeping technological, human, and procedural security practices, like firewalls, secure network configurations, and password usage, especially when data is stored electronically.
  • Consistently updating our security systems to fend off malicious attacks.
  • Limiting data access to employees who need it for their work.
  • Training our staff to handle Personal Information confidentially as a mandatory employment condition.

However, it's important to know that sending information to us online isn't completely secure. We do our best to make sure there's a secure way to get your information, but we can't guarantee total protection before it gets to us.

Once we no longer need the Personal Information we've gathered, we will securely delete or de-identify it unless legal obligations dictate otherwise.

Accessing and Updating Your Personal Information:

You are entitled to access your Personal Information we hold, except in cases where the Privacy Act justifies withholding this information. Such exceptions include:

  • Suspicions of illegal activities or serious misconduct that could be jeopardized by access.
  • Situations where access would disclose our evaluative methods in sensitive dealings.

Should you need to update your details or believe our records are inaccurate, please reach out to us. We aim to address your concerns promptly. If you're dissatisfied with our response, you can seek a review under the Privacy Act.

Behavioural Advertising:

We utilize your Personal Information to present you with personalized advertising or marketing messages that we believe might interest you. To understand more about how behavioral advertising functions, you can visit the Network Advertising Initiative's (NAI) educational page. If you prefer not to receive targeted ads, you have options to opt-out on various platforms, including:

- FACEBOOK: You can manage your ad preferences to reduce targeted advertising through their settings.
- GOOGLE: Adjust your ad settings to opt out of personalized advertising.
- BING: Visit their policy page to opt out of personalized ads.

You can also opt out from certain services by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance's opt-out portal.

Your Rights:

As a European resident, you have specific rights regarding your personal information. These rights allow you to request access to the information we hold about you and ask for it to be corrected, updated, or deleted. If you want to exercise any of these rights, please reach out to us using the contact details provided.

For European residents, we process your data to fulfill our obligations under any contracts we have with you, like if you order something from us, or to meet our legitimate business interests. It's important to note that your data may be transferred outside Europe, including to Canada and the United States, for these purposes.


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Cookies are small files which are stored on your computer. We use your cookies to recognise your device and remember your preferences or actions once you’ve accepted the Cookie Policy. When you use our website, we use cookies so as to make an enjoyable and simple online shopping experience for you.

Using your cookies help us to measure and analyse your preferences and help to save your time while purchasing. These cookies are used to enhance your MyVysa Education and Migration Services online experience and to deliver relevant content to you.

You may refuse to accept cookies by altering the settings on your internet browser. Generally, this can be done by visiting the “Settings” menu in your browser.

We may change this Cookie Policy every now and then. If you don't mind check this Cookie Policy routinely to remain educated about our information practices and the manners in which you can help ensure your protection.

Updates to this Policy

We may update this policy occasionally. Any changes will be posted on our website, ensuring you're always informed about our privacy practices.

Website Usage and Information Collection

By using the MyVysa Education and Migration Services website, you agree to our Privacy Policy. We commit to not sharing your personal information gathered from our site without your consent.

Our Privacy Policy is specific to our website and may vary from the policies of other sites you visit through our links.

Contact Us

For additional details on our privacy procedures, if you have any inquiries, or wish to lodge a complaint, please reach out to us via email at