Build the perfect Application for your dream Universities

We have an outstanding track record of successfully sending the students overseas.

Increase Your Application Success Rate with Us!

With so many students applying to top universities abroad each year, how can you make sure your application stands out?

The secret is to pick the right course and university, then create a strong profile and an appealing application. Our experts in studying abroad help you stand out in the crowd of applications by guiding you through every step of the admission process overseas.

We'll look at your school grades, your activities outside of school, and how well you speak English. Then, we'll plan the best way to make your applications really strong.

We know that going to study in another country is a big and exciting step. We're here to support you all the way, ready to give advice or help whenever you need it while you're abroad.

Application Process Steps

Step 1. Conditional Offer Letter Checklist

First step of application process is to apply for an offer letter from your targeted universities. To apply for the offer letter, you need to provide the following documents:

- Current/Previous Academic Certificates and Transcript of Records
- Valid Passport Copy
- English Language Certificate (i.e: IELTS or PTE)
- Previous Visa (If Applicable)
- Work Experience Letter (If Applicable)
- Salary Slip or Evidence of Income (If Applicable)
- Resume (CV): This is mandatory for all the applicants
- Statement of Purpose: This is mandatory for all the applicants coming from high risk countries
- Completed Application Forms of the selected Universities
- Current/Previous Offer Letter (If Applicable)
- Current/Previous COE Letter (If Applicable)

Requirements for Documents Provided:

All documents must be scanned with a high quality scanner and all the information must be able to clearly read. For all the documents translated in English, the scan copy of the original document in other language is also required.

The university application form must be filled clearly without any typing mistakes and the information provided must completely match with your personal information. There should not be any sign of crossing out on the application form. Any mistake must be first wiped off and then be re-written.

The signature on the application form must be student’s and it must match the signature on the passport.

Step 2: Apply for GTE Clearance

The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) is a rule set by the Australian Government for students. It requires students to prove that their main reason for coming to Australia is to get a quality education for a temporary period.

However, the GTE rule does not aim to stop students who, after their studies in Australia, acquire skills valuable to Australia and later decide to apply for permanent residency. This means if you develop the skills that Australia needs, you can apply for Permanent Residency (PR) after study.

To clear the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE), applicants need to provide the following documents:

- Full family member ID (i.e: Passport, National Identity Card)
- Affidavit of Sponsor(s) mentioning all the assets and source of income
- All bank certificates and statements
- Supporting documents for each asset (i.e: Utility bill, Land papers)
- Land sale documents (If applicable)
- Source of Income proof as mentioned in affidavit
- Tax Identification Number Certificate
- Tax return certificate
- CA valuation of the assets

Step 3: Statement of Purpose (SOP) Guidelines

A Statement of Purpose (SOP) is a document you need for an Australian student visa. It's a personal letter where you tell about academic and professional background, why you want to study in Australia, and your future goals.

The SOP should focus on information that is not the focus of documents you provided to the Immigration Officers, and should be structured as a covering letter on the following topics:

  • An introduction to the Immigration Officers, discussing your family background, educational and employment background, breaks in study, and immigration history (if any).
  • Explaining your decision-making process around why you chose to not study in your home country, why you decided upon Australia as your study destination, and why you decided to study at the intended University. This should also focus on your desire to study at the campus you have chosen.
  • A discussion of of your post study plans, including future career aspirations in your home country, and incentives to return to your home country upon completion.

Please ensure that:

  • Your statement is 300-400 words in length and does not exceed this word limit.
  • You are listed as the author in the file information.
  • You refrain from using subheadings and links in your statement.
  • You have not copied and pasted information from a website.
  • Your SOP is written in the first-person perspective. (i.e: Want to.., I plan to..)

Please write the SOP in your own words. University may use plagiarism-checking software and will reject applications if they believe your SOP has been plagiarised or that generative AI has been used.

Step 4: Full Offer Letter

After reviewing the documents you submitted in Steps 1 to 3, the university will issue a full offer letter. If you don't meet the English language requirements, you could be directed to take an ESL (English as a Second Language) course, and this might affect your tuition fees. In some cases, some universities may skip Step 4 and immediately request payment of tuition fees upon receiving your documents from Steps 1 to 3.

Step 5: Tuition and Insurance Payment Process

Now comes the payment step. You'll need to set up a student account at a bank in your home country. Once that's sorted, transfer the tuition fees for the first semester to the university's designated bank account. We will help you to purchase your Overseas health Insurance Cover (OHSC) covering the entire duration of your course. This ensures a smooth process for your financial obligations during your studies.

Step 6: Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) Issuance

After successfully completing the payment process, the university will send you a Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) letter. This document is crucial for your visa application and confirms your official enrolment in the chosen course.

Step 7: Visa Application & Medical Tests

Now it's time to apply for your student visa, and we're here to help facilitate a seamless journey. Begin by covering the application fee and visa costs. Once the application is submitted, the next steps involve undergoing a medical test and a biometric test in your home country.

Each country has specific locations for these tests, and we'll provide you with all the necessary information. This ensures you meet all the visa requirements and proceed smoothly through the necessary assessments for a successful visa application process

Step 8: Arrival Preparation & Accomodation

Fantastic news on securing your visa! Now, let's plan your arrival in Australia. Once your visa is granted, book your flight without delay. We recommend arriving at least two weeks before your course starts to give yourself time to adjust to the new environment.

Accommodation is crucial, and we're here to help you find suitable options in Australia. Our goal is to make your transition smooth and ensure you're comfortable and ready to embark on your academic journey.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is subject to change. For the most current details, please get in touch with us.